Category Archives: Gender Image and Presentation


Basic LIne Corset -The Bella- by Jill Hoverman for ROMANTASYC O R S E T   R A F F L E   I N

J A N U A R Y !!

To celebrate an amazing 25 years in the corset purveying, waist-training, and education business, we want to support an excellent battered women’s shelter in San Francisco, Case de las Madres. This program  shelters battered women and children of all ages and races in 36 beds in our Mission District. The shelter is 38 years old and receives half funding from the City, but also has to raise half funding.Basic LIne Corset -The Bella- by Sharon Mccoy Morgan for ROMANTASY

Please consider sending us a check to 2912 Diamond St., San Francisco 94131 made out to “ROMANTASY” or call 415 587-3863 and give us a credit card for a $25 entry fee to our raffle of a lined Basic Line underbust Victorian or Edwardian in your choice of fabric with any reasonable decoration at no extra cost (a value of from $200 to $250). ALL RAFFLE ENTRANCE FEES WILL BE DONATED TO THE CASA; NONE WILL BE HELD BACK!

Enter by 5 pm PST on January 30 with our drawing on that day at or about 6 pm and notification a day later as to our winner.25th anniversary of ROMANTASY.4

The Basic Line provides an excellent maintenance corset or sleep corset if you have already trained down in a heavier duty one from our Fundamental or Elegant Lines of Corsetry. It’s suitable to remind you to maintain good posture, to wear in hot weather (it’s a bit lighter but still fully custom!), and for more comfy fashion fit. Check it ou here:

If you win you may select Jill or Sharon as your preferred corsetiere, and send us email with details of the decorations you desire.

Yes, maintaining your waistline will likely require “maintenance corseting”, either in periodic shorter periods of serious waist training, or in wearing a lighter weight corset 2 to 3 times per week, perhaps only sleeping in it. yes, maintaining your waistline also requires common sense and moderation in eating and exercise life styles. Nearly all of my former training coaching students have gained some weight back but only a very very few have rebounded entirely, usually from undue pressure and stress that happened after training was successfully completed.

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Filed under Announcements, Custom Corsets Suitable for Waist Training, Gender Image and Presentation, General Waist Training Information

Corseting, Waist-Training, Privacy Needs, and Men

090830 Brett 1901 rear cropCorseting and waist training are most typically associated with privacy needs and concerns of my clients, despite the ubiquity in the media of images of movie stars in corset gowns, sexy burlesque stars, or lingerie models. There are many reasons for that, not the least of which is the negative stereotype that still abounds in the unthinking public mind.

Even when corseting is pursued for the most admirable of purposes of improving one’s health and posture, clients often hesitate to discuss their adventure with anyone else, fearing disapproval — especially by the media who more times than not, reflects the general uneducated popular opinion at best, or at worst, fans the flames of prejudice and inaccuracy about corsets.

Hesitancy to ‘go public ‘ sometimes renders corset waist training a lonely pursuit until the client finds an inroad into the friendly  corset enthusiast community, something I try to help my clients achieve.Scoop under bosom up to high back web

I was disappointed yet again by a media approach when a reporter for a press agency sent me the following very brief email request:

“I’m a journalist from an international press agency based in ______ England. We write news and feature stories for newspapers, magazines and broadcasters in the UK and around the world. I am looking for a case study fro a new feature and was wondering if you could help.I am looking for a man who regularly wears a corset for a feature piece and I was wondering if you knew anybody who would be willing to talk to me about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.”
I was first taken aback at the lack of focus of her inquiry, and I continued taken aback at the absence of information she provided about her own credentials, information that generally establishes a platform of credibility on which to base a request. Most notable however, was her apparent lack of understanding that corseting is not only a private pursuit for most,  but moreso a  highly individually-differentiated kind of adventure, especially for the male or transwoman corset enthusiast.
As part of my response to her, I said:back view

“Please understand that but for a few people, men in general be they transsexual, transgendered, or manly men, are very private and don’t like to be identified with corseting or men’s stays. Can you guarantee anonymity? Do you need pictures? Are the interviews in person somewhere, or by Skype or phone?

“Media credibility has not generally been good as you may imagine, regarding presenting accurate information and a non-sensational approach to corseting by men or women.

“Witness for example, the producer of a ’20/20′ fall 2012 tv show, who could not bring herself to answer three questions from me as to what the title of the upcoming corseting segment in an hour-long show would be, in which I had a small interview (which by the way, took about 8 hrs. of my time gratis, for a 1/2-minute quote by me which was almost, but not quite, presented in a correct context). The title of the show (I finally learned it in a magazine two days before the program aired), was outrageous, suggesting that corseting for health purposes is “extreme.” The corset segment was coupled with segments on a woman who had had 20 breast augmentations,  a man who had had 200 surgeries to look like the Ken Doll, and a father who offered $200,000 for the man who could “turn his gay daughter straight.”

I continued:mivasherimen.1

“Please know that there are myriad reasons that a man — or woman for that matter — chooses to corset. I would need to know what you mean by “corsets regularly,” and also of the below 15 categories of men or transwomen to interview, which do you prefer? These categories are representative but perhaps not exhaustive and of course, some men corset for multiple  reasons:Back view models

–manly man who loves to maintain his good posture and low body fat, and who adores the physical challenge akin to running the Iron Man competition (physical motivation)
–older man who wants to fit into his business  clothes and is having a hard time because of expanding girth (may love our “CorVest” pictured above and right, from a back view)
–young man who loves it for the fashion/popularity image, motivated by style and ego
–fetish man who loves the power it gives and is into the S&M lifestyle
–crossdresser (straight, might be married, wife does or does not know) who is most sincere in presenting an acceptable, moderate female image and who might go out crossdressed or not
–crossdresser who has a sexual fetish for lingerie and all things frilly and stereotypically feminine, never goes out in public as a woman, wears lingerie stealth style
–man who has a frotage or pressure need or fetish; wears it for the feeling of compression
–man who has worn it every day each week in the past, but stopped for some reason
–man who wears it now every day or week
–man who has back problems and wears it to correct posture and provide pain relief

–man who needs it to support some physical performance such as required of his job, or recreation (playing golf, for example)Tim Curry 3 corset closeup
–transsexual man who performs on stage (regularly) in “drag” and wants a ‘costume’ corset (not necessarily for tight lacing or of good quality)
–transsexual man who does not perform but wants it to create an authentic female shape and perhaps, move ribs inward over time and lose waistline so she passes more easily into a female role
–man who wants to lose weight primarily (has high blood pressure and health issues)
–submissive man who wears it to please his dominatrix wife or professional mistress
–man into the Goth style such as Tim Curry in the famed movie ‘Rocky Horror Show’
The above very quickly summarizes at least some of the types or motivations of men and transwomen corset enthusiast clients I have served, and whom I find it a pleasure to serve, over my past 24 yrs. in this specialty business of custom corsetry.

Whether or not I will hear from this reporter again remains to be seen, as does the open question of whether or not I can be or will be willing to be, the proper resource for her eventual purposes.Best2 Lisa Rae models Sue's underbust sm

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Filed under Gender Image and Presentation, General Waist Training Information

“Illusion Dressing”: a new interest in the bottom half (butt pads)

Although this blog focuses primarily on serious waist-training and healthy corseting matters, from time to time I am persuaded to post on the topic of fashion. This morning on my favored a.m. news show, GMA, I was amazed to hear about a new butt-lift garment or girdle (I forget the brand name being featured). It can cost from $19 to $45. A pair of jeans at about $100 now features two internal back pockets with add-on butt pads.

That’s amazing to me on several scores. First, I have been blessed or cursed by an ample rear end, compared to my small frame and Kelly-like (of Regis and Kelly fame) petite upper parts.  I’m usually focused on the other end! 🙂 Second, I know personally and know from historical reading about corsets, that visually, corsets create  an enhanced derriere and an enhanced bosom. Victorians called it “illusion dressing” and men railed against us wicked women who used it and tricked them into marrying us, then on the wedding night, our butts and bosoms disappeared as we undressed.  So much for sexist, superficial men who got what they deserved, right?

Because of this visual fashion effect, my MTF clients are well-advised upon starting their  journey to become transwomen, not to indulge in expensive, invasive enhancement surgery of top or bottom. Try a $300 to $600 corset first and enjoy immediate results —  and then adjust the figure silhouette with surgery if needed from that point on, especially since waist-training can have permanent figure-shaping and waist-reducing results.

So even if you wear corsets to trim your waist or provide back support, there will be certain fashion and other figure benefits!


Filed under Gender Image and Presentation, General Waist Training Information

Surprising News about Corseting re: muscle tone

I just had a client whom I’ve come to know on a surprisingly deep human basis over the past three years, ring my door bell. I’m not one to like drop-bys very much, and I typically require appointments before opening my door. Something compelled me to open it this time, and for a few seconds of ‘catch up’ I chatted with my friendly client who promised to soon call and make a formal appointment to be measured for his third corset. One quick result of corseting he wanted to report, however, surprised me even more than his visit.

Although he wears his corset occasionally underneath female clothing when he choses to crossdress, he told me he also wears it consistently every night. Upon rising he removes his corset and goes off to the gym for a regular exercise routine. He reported that lately he has noticed that he has developed better and more toned muscles, and disappeared his back soreness when he arises from sleeping on a waterbed! His theory is that the pressure of the corset at night when we tend to relax and spread out in bed, keeps his muscles taut and constricted, and in that sense, enhances body memory and tone of the muscles themselves, perhaps like the electric stimulation device that promises the same results? I’m not sure about the scientific basis of his theory nor is he, but the body memory part resonates with my own theory about one of the primary reasons that corset waist training works.

Does anyone who sleeps in a corset or wears one regularly, care to comment or theorize with us?


Filed under Gender Image and Presentation, General Waist Training Information, Hot Topics on Health, Men's Stays and Training, Transgendered Corsetry and Waist Training