Monthly Archives: November 2008

How to Maintain Your Gain Over Time: Making Weight and Waistline Inch Loss “Permanent”

I’m happy to report that my latest waist training student, Cat, more than exceeded her goals and will be showing off her success at our November 22 Corset Soiree at the Fairmont Hotel. I would only hope that anyone interested in how this works, with proof in the pudding called “Cat”, might have the opportunity to see and celebrate her success! She’s willing to chat up others who are serious and might appreciate her advice and support, so let me know and I’ll put you in email touch with her.

It was during our recent concluding interview that the crucial factor to avoid weight gain and maintain your newfound waistline, became clear to both Cat and to me. 

Maintenance is not a simple matter of will power, goal-setting, or even corset wear and targeted exercise. It has to do with your relative success during formal training, in reshaping your thinking, not your body! Maintenance comes relatively easily after training if and when you have adopted the viewpoint that certain options you have and may choose, are unhealthy for you and in fact constitute punishments, not rewards. Think about that “yummie” donut, or ice cool glass of whiskey you reach for after a particularly grueling, hot work day, or when a demanding project has been successfully completed. Are you truly rewarding yourself? Or are you merely reverting to an old-style immediate gratification habit from your past, one that does not serve your present-day purposes?

Maintenance comes relatively easily when you decide to bring your habitual behavior in line with belief in your own value, and your own best health. It comes relatively easily when you make the overall decision to become a nurturing parent to your adolescent, an adolescent who always has and always will seek pleasure and immediate gratification first and foremost. It is the nuturing parent who will need to set limits for this adolescent, reminding her or him of the importance of taking a longer-range viewpoint to live as much for a positive, healthy future as you do for the present.

So, how do you enhance your skills as nurturing parent and what specific steps can you take? That’s the subject of another blog, and Chapter 12 on Maintenance Corseting in my book,  which chapter I just expanded, concurrent with my expanding understanding of just how crucial this step is to your long-term success. I now consider Maintenance Corseting part of any student’s training plan and program, and so should you!

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Filed under General Waist Training Information, Hot Topics on Health

Food Labels – a Resource

Just ran across a great governmental resource for clarifying and understanding food labels:

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Filed under General Waist Training Information, Proper Nutrition Tips for Waist Training