Monthly Archives: September 2015


NEW DOC ‘GETS IT’ ABOUT HOW CORSETS WORK! But he hasn’t a clue about why it works and what a short time it takes to see results, like weeks and months.before and after.2 for gif

A New Jersey cosmetic surgeon is quoted in a Sept. 21 Seattle Times article: “I think there’s something to it (corset waist training),” he said. “It does actually work, because you are losing water weight. It’s like getting a body wrap. The problem is, the results are really short-lived.” But, (Steven) Davis also pointed out that there could be some muscular benefits from waist training on a regular basis.

“You are training your core to get stronger,” Davis explained, likening it to how experts instruct you to hold your stomach in while doing plank exercises. “A lot of people wear things like that, because you are training your transverse abdominis muscles to stay in that position.”

Davis continued, “I think that there probably is some validity to the whole process. But I don’t know how long it would take for that to happen.”

We wrote to Dr. Davis immediately to tell him that for our 25 or so students we have coached in our 3-month program since 1995, a remarkable 20 years of experience — we have seen remarkable results occur. Those include from a 50 lb/5″ waistline loss to a 34 lb/6.5″ waistline loss!

The point is NOT how rapid the results are, nor “does corset waist training work”. Most of us know it works even if some of us waited for “the word” from on high from Ms. Kardashian….

The point is: can you get right with your thinking process, and decide you value YOU and a svelte, healthy figure and lifestyle better than chocolate and Krispy Kremes –so that a few habit changes you will have to make will last the rest of your lifetime?

That kind of meaningful success takes more than one corset, one visit to the gym, one bariatric surgery (which costs about $20,000 by the way), or one tummy lipo (which doesn’t even sculpt out the waistline and costs about $6000-10,000 by the way).before and after for gif

At ROMANTASY we are now concentrating on providing more support to our students and clients,  now have a one-month Tune Up program (Heather is now tuning up with her new training Belt) and invite you to join our new private and confidential blog for more meaningful discussions on corset waist training and health in general, plus provide support for others based on your own experience. Just send us email and we’ll make you an author!

The  two clients pictured on this page waist trained following the principles detailed in our 300-page training manual: Corset Magic (still the only comprehensive ‘how to’ book on the topic since 2003, updated in 2015, order online). The process works no matter you body size of shape, where you begin, sex, age or gender — if you work it and go about it in a common sense way with an eye toward the future so you can maintain your success.


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Filed under Announcements, General Waist Training Information, Waist-Specific Exercises for Waist Training

The IsoBag, via Lee

isobag34Lee uses an IsoBag to portion out her meals and loves it. Here is what she told me:

“I use the 3 meal bag, and it actually fits 4 meals anyway.  The containers are perfect portion size, there are ice packs to keep everything cold all day at work.  There is a top zip section, and 2 side cylindrical cold containers.  I am good to go all day.  While the 3 meal bag is a reasonable size, it isn’t that big, I still would like to get the mini size too.  The mini size would be perfect for weekends when I just need to take a meal with me so that I don’t miss my meal time, or be forced to eat something unhealthy.
“I’m really not snacking.  I eat often enough that I really don’t get hungry, or by the time I’m hungry it is time to eat again.  Sometimes at night, however, I find myself craving some kind of cheat.  I still have trouble at night and want to cheat/eat.  Sometimes I give in and eat/cheat.
“I have been buying the Lindt 99% cocoa chocolate bars lately.  It isn’t my favorite chocolate at all, however, it is nearly without sugar and it satisfies the chocolate craving.
“Yes, I drink just water, with the following exceptions:  my morning cup of coffee with cream (I cut out the afternoon one most days); and I usually have a vodka on the rocks if I go out on the weekend.  I like to put sliced fruit in my water.  I refill a plastic Voss bottle, because the mouth is wide enough for me to put fruit in the bottle with my water.”
You can find the IsoBag here:

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Filed under General Waist Training Information

How Much Sugar is in a Fully-leaded Coke?

Sugar in a Coke_6I’ve been pursuing a no-refined sugar diet since June 15 and became curious about the above question. I decided to go for a visual representation.

My partner weighed out 39 grams of sugar contained in a fully-leaded Coke.  He put it in a container about the same circumference of a Coke can and you can see it pictured here.

Can you imagine drinking slightly under one-quarter of a cup of pure refined sugar? That is what you are doing when you drink a Coke!

I’m not sure about you, but this picture shocks me. It also reinforces my resolution to avoid refined sugar as much as I possibly can by my two suggested strategies: avoiding cakes, pies, cookies, and candies, plus reading labels to choose the lowest possible if any refined sugar content in my foods.

I also implemented today something I have experimented with in the past in order to improve my diet and stave off hunger. Last night I was not hungry at dinner for an unknown reason, so I decided to just stop eating. What a novel concept! Imagine that, stopping eating when  one feels full no matter how much is on your plate (mom would not approve!)

For dinner I ate one bite of lean baked pork loin, one bite of stir fried bok choy (in spray of olive oil), and two bites of baked half of sweet potato with 1/4 tsp. of butter and then noticed that I was not hungry. I then wrapped up the rest and put it in the fridge.

This morning the remainder of my dinner was my breakfast at 7:30 am. So far by 11 am I’m not hungry and have had only about 7 almonds for a snack. I’m certain from my research that the key to defeating hunger is to eat a good bit of protein at breakfast (and any meal). Hunger and stress are said to be the two things that most defeat diets and good nutrition intentions. I’m working on hunger as a new chapter in my book for the next fall revision.

Anyone want to share their tips?

Don’t forget that ROMANTASY now  sponsors TWO blogs. You are reading (and we hope “following”) our general blog, while you may access our other private blog by sending a simple email request to us, including a brief summary of your interest in good nutrition, health and waist or figure shaping and corsetry (even if you are not a ROMANTASY client). Our private and confidential blog will be for you to author and post directly your tips, waist-training progress notes about your own experience, and encouragement for others.


Filed under Announcements, General Waist Training Information, Proper Nutrition Tips for Waist Training